wrench-ed brought to you from the same mind that brings you Sprinting the Bell Lap. you have been warned

Monday, January 23, 2012

The shape of things


What a horrible word, it does not even sound nice.  Say it out loud and you will probably make a face.  A face like you just smelled something wrong, or felt a pain in a bad place. 
verb) to give little attention or respect to: disregard
noun) the act or instance of neglecting
A lot of what we see at the shop is the product of neglect.  Too many bikes have been cast aside and left to rot, to die, to become useless.  You have to use something to keep it in working order.  Well, and add in some regular maintenance and you will have something that is ready to use when the need arises.  

If you neglect your body, your health, it will decline.  Your fitness will be close to absolute zero and your body will pack on food stores to the tune of fat.  Your muscles and joints will be weak and ache.  Leave a new car in a garage, or outside for a year and then try to start it.  The old saying comes to mind, "use it or lose it".  This is so true for so many things.  That bike hanging in the garage, the running shoes at the back of the closet, the dusty gym equipment all have a direct correlation to that bulge around your midsection or your flappy arm skin.

Use, you have to use it so that you don't lose it.  Uncle Rico could have gone Pro, but now he is soft and throws like a girl scout.  What does this have to do with working in a bike shop?  Everything.  The old rusty bike is a metaphor for what happens to the human body, if you allow your bike to become old and rusty.  It does not take much to keep a bike riding smooth.  It's not like you have to go out and ride two hours a day, I'm talking a couple of rides a week.  Walk your overweight dog.  Chase your kids.  Be active.  Turn off the TV.  Stop reading stupid blogs on the internet.  Challenge yourself to be a better you.  And for the love of all things holy, if you are not going to ride that bike -give it to someone who needs it or someone who will use it.

Freddie Mercury said it best, "get on your bikes and ride"!

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